Who we are

Duff Crerar

Born in 1955, Duff Crerar studied at the University of Waterloo, University of Western Ontario and Queen's University at Kingston, Canada, graduating with his Ph.D. in Modern Canadian History. He retired from his teaching post at Grande Prairie Regional College in 2015, and continues to research and write in military history, religion and Canadian indigenous studies. He is the author of the scholarly Padres in Noman’s Land (McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995), and several articles on related subjects.

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Duff Crerar


Babes in the Dark Woods, Again - How Long Will Canada be a Pawn in the Canadian-Armenian Lobby’s Interests?

Duff Crerar shares his perspective on the effect of one-issue lobby groups on Canadian foreign policy.

4 November 2021

Caucasus, Opinion

The Limits of “La Politique Du Pire”

Azerbaijan, Armenia

14 September 2021

Caucasus, Opinion

Sometimes Peace Needs Quiet: Time for Calm in the Caspian Region

Duff Crerar reflects on some hopeful developments in the Caspian. Maybe it's time for the region to take a deep breath?

2 August 2021

Caucasus, Opinion

The United States and the Caspian: Doing All the Right Things?

Section 907 has been waived annually for the last 19 years. It's time for repeal.

24 June 2021

Caucasus, Opinion

Poisoned Earth: The Futile Curse of Land Mines

“Today, on land that Azerbaijan regained after the 2020 Second Karabakh War, there are an evil pick-n-mix of landmines, pink-ribboned cluster bombs, grenades, and all. But Armenia is in no mood to give up the locations of this fearful harvest.”

Canadians and the Caucasus: How We Covered a War

Canadian peacekeepers have learned at great cost that simply drawing a line across the past only goes halfway to making a peaceful present and future.

18 April 2021

Caucasus, Opinion