Turkmenistan affirmed strict commitment to implementing the provisions of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
Photo: Turkmenistan's Foreign Ministry
On December 5, Turkmenistan's Foreign Ministry hosted a significant meeting of the states parties to the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia.
The meeting, held to mark the 15th anniversary of the treaty's entry into force, focused on the theme of “Strengthening Cooperation between Existing Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones,” The Caspian Post reports, citing the ministry.
The goal of the meeting was to enhance collaboration among the five nuclear-weapon-free zones around the world. Turkmenistan, which is currently chairing the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia, organized the event to foster greater cooperation in the global effort to promote disarmament and non-proliferation.
The gathering was attended by foreign ministry heads and representatives from Central Asian countries and Mongolia, as well as diplomats from the region accredited in Turkmenistan. The event also included key figures such as the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Asia, the Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, and experts from local and international academic circles and research institutes specializing in disarmament and non-proliferation. Notably, the Secretary General of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL) and the Chairman of the African Nuclear Energy Commission participated via video link.
In his speech, Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Ahmet Gurbanov noted that Turkmenistan supports the initiatives of the international community to ensure peace, security and sustainable development under the auspices of the UN. The country advocates disarmament, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and ensuring universal nuclear safety.
Turkmenistan is strictly committed to implementing the provisions of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
The meeting discussed issues faced by nuclear-free zones, including the provision of international legally binding security guarantees and improving the relationship between the zones.
Following the forum, the participants adopted the Final Document.
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