© Sputnik / Tabyldy Kadyrbekov
Armenia does not consider replacing its membership in the Eurasian Economic Union with any other arrangement, but it is actively working on diversifying its trade partnerships, according to Armenian Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan.
“We aren’t at all thinking about replacing the EEU with anything else,” he said at a press conference when asked about the developments around the possible EU integration process, The Caspian Post reports citing local media. “We want to be independent, and independence is when you are dependent on everyone and not just one, and everyone is to some extent dependent on you,” he said.Minister Papoyan attached importance to Armenia’s ability to produce and export competitive goods to various markets.
“It shouldn’t be replaced. Those volumes must be preserved, increased and expanded within the EEU,” he said.
At this moment Armenia’s top trade partner is the UAE. Other major trade partners alongside Russia are China and the EU, he added.
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