The total volume of foreign capital inflow to Tajikistan in 2024 reached $4.9 billion, marking an increase of $2.1 billion or 72.7% compared to 2023, announced Sulton Rakhimzoda, Chairman of the State Committee on Investment and State Property Management, during a press conference.
Of the total inflow of foreign capital, more than $4.1 billion or 84.2% went to Dushanbe, $761.2 million or 15.5% to Sughd Province, $11.8 million or 0.2% to Khatlon Province, $3.2 million or 0.1% to districts of republican subordination, and $1.3 million or 0.1% to Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, The Caspian Post reports, citing Tajik media.
Of this amount, the volume of direct investments is $394.3 million , which is $ 110.2 million or 38.8% more compared to 2023.
Direct foreign investments in the republic came mainly from China - $ 150.9 million, USA - $ 118.9 million, Great Britain - $51.1 million, Russia - $28.9 million , Kazakhstan - $ 15.7 million, Turkey - $ 5.8 million, Japan - $ 5.4 million, France - $ 4.2 million and other countries - $ 13.4 million.
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