Former Tajik Foreign Minister Sentenced to 27 Years for Coup Attempt

Former Tajik Foreign Minister Sentenced to 27 Years for Coup Attempt

The Supreme Court of Tajikistan has handed down sentences in the attempted coup d'état case, with defendants, including former Foreign Minister Hamrokhon Zarifi, receiving prison terms ranging from 18 to 27 years.

The longest term - 27 years in prison - was given to the former minister, as well as former member of parliament and chairman of the Democratic Party of Tajikistan Saidjafar Usmonzoda, The Caspian Post reports citing foreign media.

The court sentenced the former deputy chairman of the Democratic Party, journalist Akhmadshoh Komilzoda to 18 years, the deputy chairman of the Social Democratic Party, lawyer Shokirjon Khakimov to 18 years, and journalist and niece of Shokirjon Khakimov Rukhshona Khakimova to 8 years.

The arrests of Tajik officials began in June 2024. The authorities are not officially providing information on this case, and the court hearings are held behind closed doors, Asia Plus reports. The first hearing took place last November. It is alleged that most of them were charged for treason and seizure of power, some for fraud and incitement of national, racial, local or religious hatred. The defendants denied guilt and asked the court to acquit them.

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The Supreme Court of Tajikistan has handed down sentences in the attempted coup d'état case, with defendants, including former Foreign Minister Hamrokhon Zarifi, receiving prison terms ranging from 18 to 27 years.